Lake Seventeen (Florence)

January 9, 2024

Lake Seventeen, also known as Florence, is a serene 15-acre lake located in Florence County. With a depth of 8 feet, this lake offers an excellent environment for fishing enthusiasts. The lake’s unique bottom composition consists of 10% rock and 90% muck, providing a diverse habitat for various fish species. Anglers can expect to find an abundance of panfish and northern pike in these waters. Whether you are an avid panfish angler or crave the thrill of catching a northern pike, Lake Seventeen in Florence County is a must-visit destination for any fishing enthusiast.

Lake Seventeen (Florence) Facts

Type lake
Size 15 ACRES
Depth 8 feet
County Florence
Bottom 0% sand, 0% gravel, 10% rock, 90% muck
Fish Panfish and Northern Pike

Lake Seventeen (Florence) Location


Mike has been coming up or living in the Northwoods since his childhood.
He is also an avid outdoorsman, writer and supper club aficionado.

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